Free ISBN / ISSN Publications
Free ISBN/ISSN Publications
Free Publications for all eligible quality presenters / presentations, who completes the formalities, which are approved by editorial board after peer review .
Proceedings of International Series
Oral/PPT/Poster/Full Paper Presentations
which includes Proceedings & Presentations of
Largest & Widest Series of
Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav (AKAM) Series,
India G20 Presidency (IG20P) Series &
UN SDGs 2030 Series -
Multi-disciplinary, Inter-disciplinary, Trans-disciplinary, Multicultural & Multilingual
Hundreds of Events/Programs, Thousands of Participants,
have been part and are being part of International & National Commemorations & Celebrations
Daily, Everyday by SHHFI & SRICASW.
Income Tax Exemptions : All Donations/Contributions are tax exempted under sections 80G & 12A/12AA of Income Tax Act.
For further details, ADVERTISEMENTS or publications contact coordinator :
Dr. Ravindra , Ph : +91 9705503767, E-Mail : .
Free Presentations & Free Publications for all eligible to quality presenters / presentations, who completes the formalities in time, which are approved by editorial board and peer review.
Dear Participants/ Delegates/ Presenters/ Speakers/ Panelists/ Resource Persons/ Invited Guests
We are happy to announce that the process has started for
once in a lifetime opportunity
Most awaited longest & widest celebrations and Commemorations, proceedings and publications
International Series
being organized by
*Sri Holistic Health Foundation India (SHHFI)* &
*Sri Research Institute and Centre for Arts, Sciences & Wellbeing (SRICASW)*
In Collaboration with
International & National Multidisciplinary Fraternity & Others
*Free E-Certificates, Registrations, Presentations, Participation, Collaborations, ISBN/ISSN Publications*
to all the
*kind hearted, compassionate, proactive souls*
& eligible, who were & are part of the ongoing series of
*Multidisciplinary, Multicultural & Multilingual Programs/Events/Conferences/Seminars/Workshops/Symposiums/Webinars*
Everyday, daily at 6 PM Onwards ,
*Online/Offline/Hybrid Mode - Zoom/YouTube Live*
International Series Proceedings and Free Oral/PPT/Poster/Full Paper Presentations : Publications
opportunity is only for those who are completing/have completed all the formalities
from registration to feedback for each & every event for which
they have presented/participated.
As one time opportunity,
we request everyone those who have not completed the formalities,
to complete them at the earliest
to be eligible for inclusion/Consideration for free publications & E-Certificates.
To keep yourself updated with latest information join our
Telegram/ Facebook/ Google/ WhatsApp/ Calender for more opportunities.
For further information, formalities, guidelines, rules & regulations, terms & conditions, E-Certificates, upcoming events visit our website:
Free ISBN/ISSN Publications - Eligibility
Completion of Registration for Event/Program
Completion all the required documentation in specified format & share all requisite files for presentations to designated Event/Program email address.
Presentation of the Topic / Talk/ Oral / PPT/ Full Paper / Poster Presentations in Event/Program
Provide Feedback for attended/participated sessions(s) & Overall Feedback for Event/Program
Completion of all the formalities in time and before the conclusion of Event/Program.
For multiple presentations in an event/program, presenters have to complete formalities for each presentation to be eligible for E-Certificate.
For every event/program, presenter registering for the presentation(s) has to complete all the formalities, including sharing of required documents, in time to be eligible for Presentation/E-Certificate/Publication.
After completing all the formalities, Presenters can download their E-Certificates, if eligible, from Website after One Week/15 Working Days
Those presenters who have not completed Documentation and/or formalities in time & before the closure of event/program, need to obtain permission from coordinator, mentioning the genuine/valid reason(s) along with documentary proof, if any, for not able to do so and complete all the documentation & formalities at the earliest and make a request for E-Certificate in specified format, if eligible. Such requests approval, if any, shall be at sole discretion of Organisers/Management as per feasibility.
After review and request in specified format, E-Certificate shall be issued in 30/90/120/180/240/365 Working Days, based on the completion of event and submission of request after completing all the formalities. if found eligible for E-Certificate, which can be downloaded from respective Event/Program Website.
After completing the above Procedures/Formalities & Successful Presentation/Talk
Share your consent , declaration & Submit the Registration form for Free publication in prescribed Format along with documents (Full Paper/Research Work/Manuscript/Copyright Declaration, Disclosures,etc) for the Review Process.
Once Review is completed by Editorial Team & Expert/Peer Reviewers, Presenters shall be intimated, about the changes if any required or status of application/approval/rejection on website/email.
Approval/Update/Rejection intimation shall be updated on website/email.
After successful publication you can make a request for Publication E-Certificate.
Presenters are requested to check/follow website and instructions from time to time for all updates.
Presenters are entirely responsible for meeting eligibility criteria, completing all the documentation & formalities in time, before the closure of program/event,
Organisers/Management shall not be responsible for any follow-ups/delays, in any way.
Coordinators/Moderators/Editors shall not be responsible for any follow-ups/delays, in any way.
Note ; Advertisements for any exclusively notified events/programs/publications shall be in correspondence with coordinator : Dr. Ravindra , Ph : +91 9705503767, E-Mail : with subject as Advertisements for any such events/programs/publications.